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King Edward VI High School for Girls celebrates best A* results for four years

Students at King Edward VI High School for Girls in Edgbaston are celebrating “another outstanding year of A Level results” with 33 per cent of grades at A* and 73% A*/A grades, with 91% A*/B grades.

Thirteen students out of a year group of 75 achieved 3 or more A*s, 10 achieving all A*s and 37 with all A* and A grades. 45 girls got 3 or more A*/As

These results come in a year when the vast majority of subjects were the ‘reformed’ A Levels, with new specifications, modes of assessment and terminal examinations.

Contrary to reports about girls’ reluctance to study STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), 51% students took A Level Mathematics, 52% Chemistry and 43% Biology, and over half of those will go on to study a science-related degree.

Two students will even be studying male-dominated computer science courses, including Melissa Yao who has won a coveted place at Queen’s College, Cambridge.

Ten students have won places to read Medicine at prestigious universities including Oxford, Cambridge and King’s College, London.

Several of the girls whose pupil-led campaign recently won the Times Educational Supplement’s prestigious Fund-Raising Initiative of the Year have achieved outstanding A Level results including star pupil Cerian Richmond Jones from Solihull who gained the grades she needed for a coveted place to read Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Balliol College, Oxford.

Principal Ann Clark said: “I am absolutely delighted with these magnificent results, which are a tribute to our students’ dedication and strong work ethic.

“They have been a fabulous year group and an inspiration to the younger girls. I know families will be hugely proud of their success and on behalf of all the staff at KEHS, I would like to congratulate them.

“I would also like to express my sincere thanks to their subject teachers, who have shown complete professionalism, determination and commitment in preparing for these new qualifications.”