
The King Edward VI Foundation operates a wide range of schools in Birmingham including comprehensive and selective entry schools. Each school has its own admissions policy, so it is important that you take the time to understand how the admissions process works for the particular schools that you are interested in. 

Each Foundation school offers a rich curriculum, a supportive and caring environment, and many opportunities to take part in clubs and extra-curricular activities that will help each child develop into a well-rounded individual. 

The contents of these pages will help you understand how to make an application for any of our schools, whether you are seeking a Year 7 place for your child, or you are hoping to join one of our school sixth forms.

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The King Edward VI Foundation is open to pupils from all backgrounds. Most Foundation schools are free to attend, and our two independent schools offer fully and partially funded places for the most able pupils. 

To encourage greater representation of children from lower income families in our grammar schools, the Foundation provides a free programme of online resources designed to help children become familiar with the topics on the entrance test. This programme is provided by Atom Home and is open to children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium. If your child has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years, please contact your primary school to confirm whether they are eligible for the Pupil Premium.

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General queries

For general queries, please contact Admissions via email: Please note: Admissions require a written record of your query, so email is the preferred communication.