Archives of King Edward VI Foundation
The purpose of our archives is to collect, catalogue, maintain and make accessible the records of the King Edwards Foundation.
The archive comprises thousands of documents, photographs and artefacts relating to the history of the Foundation and its 14 schools. From the Free School Charter created in 1552 to the present day, records help us grasp the past so that we may understand our present and plan for our future.
To delve deeper into our archive visit our online catalogue and browse our digital archive. We began cataloguing the archive in April 2023 and it is an ongoing process, so please do get in touch if you have a query about an uncatalogued collection.

Archive Enquiries
The King Edwards Foundation Archive offers a remote enquiry service for researchers. Enquiries can be submitted via the following methods:
Email: [email protected]
In writing: The Archivist, King Edward VI Foundation, Edgbaston Park Road, Edgbaston, B15 2UD
Please remember to supply as much background information as possible to help in our research and we will do our best to get back to you in 7 working days. Please be aware that, at present, there is no catalogue and so enquiries may take some time to research.
The Archives are available to the school community, and to the wider public. On-site access to the Archive is available to the public by strict appointment only, and exclusively outside of school term time. All users will be required to provide photographic ID to access the collection on-site.
Anecdotes from the Archive
- Here come the girls: Cataloguing the King Edward VI High School for Girls archive
- Anecdotes from the Archive
- Cataloguing the King Edward’s School archive
- A short history of Women’s Education in Birmingham
- To Preserve and Protect…
- The History of the Foundations Seals
- Christmas Cooking!
- Jubilee Memories
- Permanent Preservation
- Women of Courage
- The Queen’s Platinum Pudding
- 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion
- Not sure what to give this Christmas? How about a book?
- School Sport
- Children’s Hospice Week: 22-28 June 2020
- Father's Day - 21st June 2020
- National Best Friends Day
- Fruit Picking for the Nation
- Mental Health Awareness Week, 18th - 24th May 2020
- Lord Mayor Wiggins-Davies and the Birmingham Victory Day Celebrations
- International Dance Day
- St George's Day 2020
- Easter 2020
- World Health Day 2020
Archive Donations
We rely heavily on donations to keep our collection as diverse and up to date as possible. Would you like to add your history to ours? If so we would be very happy to hear from you.