Following the previous Foundation News article on our partnership with Anglesey Primary School, the Participation Team recently held the first in a series of practical masterclasses for Year 5 on the topic of forces, focusing on friction.
The series, which aligns to Anglesey’s curriculum, is designed to facilitate opportunities for pupils to discuss and critique key themes, develop new skills and perspectives, whilst building on their love of learning.
Miss Morgan, who teaches Science and Geography at King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for Boys, was joined by Science Technician, Mr Alishah, to deliver the masterclass to 120 pupils at Anglesey Primary School over the course of Wednesday 25 January. Pupils learnt how friction impacts moving objects and had to decide, looking at series of picture-based scenarios, whether there was lots of or little friction in evidence. Pupils then participated in a practical activity, starting with modelling a prediction.
Next, using a range of different surfaces (foam, sandpaper, carpet and wood), a Newton Meter and weighted sled, pupils were to identify which surface had the most amount of friction by pulling the sled along each surface whilst measuring the newtons.
Commenting on her experience of running the masterclasses, Miss Morgan said: “It was lovely to see the pupils engage in practical science skills that they may not have been exposed to before. The look on the pupil’s faces when we began to distribute the equipment was fantastic!”
Mr O’Connell, Head of Year 5 at Anglesey Primary School, said: “The children and staff really enjoyed the lesson, particularly the practical aspects of the lesson. This also reinforced what the children had been learning in lessons and developed key scientific skills.”
We look forward to leading our next masterclass at the school, which will be a history session on the Ancient Greeks.