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The Grammar Schools in Birmingham Entrance Test 2020

  Organising this year's Grammar Schools in Birmingham entrance test was more challenging than usual, with social distancing and isolation guidelines in place. We did however still see almost 5,000 children sit the test, albeit a little differently than we are used to. Here are some interesting facts we have collated to show how the test ran during the Covid-19 Pandemic:
  • 5,261 children registered to sit the entrance test for entry into Year 7 in Sept 2021
  • 4,900 of these children actually sat the test
  • 4,765 children sat the test on Saturday 12th September across our six grammar schools as well as the two grammar schools in Sutton Coldfield
  • Each school held a morning and afternoon session to help comply with the social distancing/hygiene requirements of Covid-19
  • Those who were ill or self isolating and unable to make the 12th September test, were then tested on 21st Sept. This supplementary test was held across three venues, King Edward VI Aston School, King Edward VI Five Ways School and King Edward VI Handsworth Grammar School for Boys
  • A further two sessions were held at the Foundation Office for those who were still unable to make the supplementary test due to self isolation
  • The test results were emailed out on 12th October to all 4,900 children
Since the test on the 12th September, the Admissions team have received and responded to 2,315 emails from parents and 7 Freedom of Information requests. The Admissions team will receive all of the preferences submitted for our schools from Birmingham City Council in December and will then rank each application according to the schools' admissions criteria. Parents will then receive the offer of a school place from their local authority on 1st March 2021. Thank you to everyone who was involved in organising the test and to the Admissions Team in the Foundation Office for dealing with this during unprecedented times.