Admission Appeals

Parent/carers have the right of appeal if their child has not been offered a place at one of their preferred schools. 

You can only appeal against the refusal of a place at a school that is currently one of your live preferences.
Appeals are heard and decided by panels that are completely independent of the school(s).

It is important that you consider the likelihood of your appeal being successful. For example, whether you were realistic with the preferences you submitted for your child.

Appeals are generally only successful if you or your child have exceptional reasons for needing admission to a particular school. There are no guarantees that any appeal will be successful. The table below shows the number of lodged and successful appeals for the King Edward VI Grammar Schools. 

Year of entry

Appeals lodged

 Appeals successful



             0 (0%)



             1 (1%)



             1 (2%)

The deadline to submit your written appeal is Monday 31st March 2025. Appeals will be heard during May and June 2025.

For information on appealing for a King Edward VI Grammar School contact [email protected] 

For information on appealing for King Edward VI King’s Norton School for Boys contact the school directly. 

For all other King Edward VI schools, appeals must be lodged via Birmingham City Council