Jodh Dhesi, Chief Executive Officer
It is my privilege to be the Chief Executive Officer of this historic, charitable organisation which has been supporting excellence in education for Birmingham since 1552. Our Foundation of schools is a rare combination of independent schools and academies, both selective and comprehensive, which have come together over the centuries since the establishment of King Edward’s School in the 16th century. Our schools are diverse in nature, but we have a common purpose and an absolute commitment to working together to achieve the best for the children and young people of this city. Indeed, it is this diversity that is our greatest strength, as we learn from the excellence that exists in every one of our schools.

About us
Our history and educational heritage
Ask people about Birmingham’s heritage and you will be greeted with a variety of answers but very few of them would include education.
Whilst the University of Birmingham is recognised as one of the country’s leading educational institutions it was not established until 1900, but King Edward’s School however was founded as long ago as 1552.

King Edward VI Foundation
Our schools
The King Edward VI Foundation, Birmingham, is involved in education at eleven schools across the City. We are able to assist our two independent schools, six free grammar schools and our three multi-ability schools via the management of historic land assets which were passed on to us from as long ago as 1552. Our schools represent the multi-cultural and diverse population of the City and we want to ensure that all children from all backgrounds can attempt to access our schools.