Our latest news

ConnectED Conference 2022

We are a week away from the ConnectED Conference 2022, designed to provide opportunities to share learning and practice, connect colleagues together and continue our exciting Foundation wide collaboration work.

Remember, all sessions are open to everyone who works in our schools, and are a great way to learn from others whilst providing a quality professional development opportunity. 

The sessions will be taking place virtually via Zoom from Monday 13th June 2022 to Friday 24th June between 4:15pm - 5:15pm. There is no cost to attend and you can attend as many sessions as you wish.

If for any reason you cannot attend a session and would really like to see the recorded version, please do register for that session as recordings will be available on our 'ConnectED Conference 2022' webpage following the conference, to those that signed up initially. 

Register here

Below you will find comments from some of our session leads, explaining a little more about what their discussion will include and focus on, as well as what you can expect to take away to implement at your school.