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Handsworth School for Girls bids for Selective Schools Expansion Fund

Handsworth School for Girls are hoping to be successful in a bid to expand their current facilities, increasing their Published Admission Number (PAN) from 160 to 192. Development plans for the site include extra teaching and study spaces, a larger dining facility and renewed Design Technology facilities. Handsworth Grammar School for Girls wishes to build on the recent Academy Trust admissions changes, to encourage more pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to join the school. The increase in PAN would provide 48 places per year group for students attracting Pupil Premium for September 2021 admissions. The school already runs an extensive outreach programme with primary schools and is committed to developing this work, particularly looking at progressing links through subject enhancement and enrichment opportunities, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance provision as well as developing opportunities for primary pupils to work with sixth form students. The school welcomes suggestions from parents, staff and the local community or outreach activities that would encourage applications from a diverse range of social backgrounds. A public consultation around the bid is currently underway and runs until Thursday 11th April 2019. If you would like to add any comments to the consultation, please feel free to email your response to: consultation@kingedwardvi.bham.sch.uk by 5pm on Thursday 11th April.