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Head of PE completes ‘100,000 Press Up Challenge’ to raise awareness to give blood

On Friday 26th February, Head of PE & Games at King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys, Tom Burgess, completed 100,000 press ups, one year after starting the challenge to raise awareness of the importance of giving blood. In 2019 Tom's Nan was unfortunately involved in a near fatal car accident and a long road to recovery ensued. At times she has needed two blood transfusions a week; thankfully this is now down to once every 2 weeks for 5 hours at a time. Quite simply, she wouldn’t be here today without the kind-hearted people who donate their blood. Blood is needed from donors of all backgrounds to ensure there is the right blood available for patients who need it. Almost 400 new donors a day are needed to meet demand and around 135,000 new donors each year to replace those who can no longer donate. You can donate blood if you are fit and healthy and aged between 17-66 years old. Males can donate 4 times a year and females 3 times. In April, Tom has now donated blood over 30 times. Tom gets involved in many charity and fundraising initiatives, combining his passion for sport and fitness with good causes. In 2018 he set himself the challenge of running 13 half marathons in seven months to help raise awareness for Young Minds UK then stepping up the distance to run a full marathon in 2019 to raise £2,000 for Barnardo's. In March 2019 Tom also completed the 10,000 burpee challenge (100 burpees per day for 100 days) in order to raise £550 for the charity NICE. "My aim is for 100 people to pledge to give blood; some students have already signed up and donated. Please don’t leave it to others; you could help change or save a life. You also get free tea and biscuits afterwards!" Please take the time to download the 'NHS Give Blood' app, head to https://www.blood.co.uk/ or call 0300 123 23 23 where you can book an appointment and give up an hour or so of your life to give blood and possibly save someone else's. Tom comments: "In a population of 55 million, the statistics on the amount of people giving blood make for sad reading. https://www.nhsbt.nhs.uk/how-you-can-help/get-involved/share-statistics/blood-donation-statistics/.This is my small attempt to bump the numbers up. If you’re nervous about giving blood or just want a little more info about the process feel free to contact me." t.burgess@camphillboys.bham.sch.uk