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Schools Climate Assembly 2023

On the 19th October 2023, an estimated 3000 students gathered from all over the country to attend the Climate Change Assembly, held at King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls and Boys. The aim of the day was for students and staff to engage and learn more about climate awareness and global warming.

Throughout the day, workshops and interactive sessions were held, as well as keynote speeches from industry speakers including wildlife cameraman for David Attenborough,  Hamza Yassin, in a bid to empower young people in the face of the climate crisis. The event cemented possible gaps in students understanding of the climate crisis and, for those already well informed, there was the opportunity to learn how to get involved in grassroots activism, prompting inspiration of change beyond climate awareness. 

John Sauven, former Executive Director, Greenpeace UK, explained: "Young people have such an important role to play in dealing with the climate emergency. The Schools Climate Assembly is a very important event, a space where school pupils can learn how they enact change in a positive way."

The event culminated with a chance for those in attendance to pass on their thoughts and encouraged them to voice what should, or could, be done in response to the situation. Lots of parents have since been in touch with the school and organisers speaking positively about the impact it has had on their children's engagement. 

Despite the message seeming to be one of concern, it was viewed with potential and emphasised to students that they're part of a generation who have an important voice. 

Overall, the day was a great success. A particular thank you to Gregory Nasmyth, Philanthropist, who generously funded the event, as well as organising for several huge marquees to be brought onto site to host the workshops, a hydrogen generator and much more!

Find out more about the event here or see us on Midlands Today