King Edward VI Handsworth School for Girls

“Excellent teaching, wonderful resources and enthusiastic learners are a powerful combination. Equally important is that our girls are active members of the school community”

The school opened in Handsworth on the 14th September 1911 formed by the merger of three schools: Aston, Summer Hill and Bath Row.

Today the school operates from its original building along with the development of many new facilities. In 2003 The Foundation funded the purchase and contributed to the renovation of the church adjacent to the school and it is uniquely used as a music centre as well as for community gatherings. In 2011 a new library was built on the field: a modern building with colourful window panes which contribute to the relaxing environment for girls to read and work.

Many people say that the school has a very warm and special atmosphere and we can only assume that this contributes to the highest levels of academic achievement that the girls at Handsworth constantly achieve with many of them going on to the best universities in the country.