Each of the grammar schools in Birmingham give some priority to children who are eligible for ‘Pupil Premium’.

Pupil Premium is additional funding for schools from the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children. For the schools to receive Pupil Premium funding the child must have been registered and in receipt of Free School Meals (due to family low income for example) at any point in the last six years. This is different to Universal Free School Meals which all children in Reception – Year 2 receive regardless of income. 

Your child must have been registered for and in receipt of Free School Meals at any point before the entrance test. You must upload the relevant form when registering for the entrance test. Failure to provide the form will result in your child not being considered for one of the Pupil Premium places. 

If you are unsure whether your child receives or has ever received Free School Meals, speak to their primary school.

Applicants who start to receive Free School Meals after the entrance test will not be considered for one of the Pupil Premium places.   

All applicants must achieve the Qualifying Score to be considered for a place. Extra marks are not awarded in the entrance test to Pupil Premium applicants.


Please note: Only state-funded schools receive Pupil Premium funding. Therefore, if your child is home educated or attends an independent school they will not be eligible to be considered for one of the Pupil Premium places. 

Applicants who may be eligible for Free School Meals but have never been registered for Free School Meals will not be considered for one of the Pupil Premium places.