We had a wonderful time during Primary School Week. It has been really positive and our pupils have taken a lot from it. We can’t wait for next year to hopefully do it all again
A series of interactive masterclasses with subject specialists from across the King Edward VI Foundation. These sessions present an invaluable opportunity for pupils to discuss and critique key themes, develop new skills and perspectives, as well as a love of learning.
Masterclasses are available for all of Year 5 with a broad selection to choose from, subject to the availability of Foundation staff. The sessions can be aligned to the curriculum and adapted to each school’s needs.

Aspiration day
Targeted to a small number of more able Year 5 pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, these sessions are held at either our north or south cluster of selective schools. Pupils will experience a day of lessons with the aim of exposing them to new opportunities, further developing self-esteem, motivation, and self- efficacy. Previous lessons have included Design Technology, Science, Art, and Photography.
These pupils will also be invited to attend individual selective school open days and entrance test familiarisation sessions later in the academic year.

Careers-related learning
Activity sessions led by our external partners to give pupils insight and exposure to the world of work.
Our partners include Birmingham Digital Futures, University of Birmingham, and Birmingham Airport.

Parent and carer information session
This informal session is primarily for prospective as well as current parents, teaching staff, and residents local to our school communities. Have you ever wondered what the King Edward VI Foundation is and who is in our family of schools? Would you like to find out more about our grammar school entrance test? Do you worry about your child’s secondary education and applying for a Year 7 place that’s right for them? This session will tackle these and other commonly asked questions as well as offering practical insights into life at our schools, what makes them unique and our Foundation’s mission to make Birmingham the best place to be educated in the UK.

Primary School Week
An immersive week of academia mixed with co-curricular activities and experiences at our north and south cluster of schools respectively will give all Year 5 pupils a rich and broad taste of life as a pupil within the King Edward VI Foundation’s family of schools.
Our independent, selective, and comprehensive schools collectively have a vast range of first-rate facilities that will be showcased throughout the week. Pupils will experience outdoor education, drama, debating, STEM and Mandarin, to name just a few.

Familiarisation support
Each of our selective schools requires prospective pupils to sit an entrance test. We recognise that nationally there are many barriers in place for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and are working hard both across the King Edward VI Foundation and with our partners to mitigate this through the provision of:
1. Support for Pupil Premium families through an online familiarisation platform to support with understanding the test content. Where there are barriers to digital access, we will provide alternative support.
2. Support for our partner schools to make use of the online familiarisation materials in face-to-face sessions, listening to and acting on feedback about how to improve the tool.

Other activities
Aside from the activities already described, we will work in consultation with you to develop other interventions that will make the biggest difference to your pupils.
This could be in the form of debating competitions, PE sessions, mentoring with our corporate partners, transition preparation, paired reading interventions with current King Edward VI pupils or joint CPD opportunities for teaching staff.