Our schools are accessible and inclusive, providing opportunities for our students and staff to thrive regardless of their background.
Here are some examples of the actions we have undertaken to become accessible across our Foundation:

Supporting disadvantaged pupils into grammar schools
The Foundation is deeply committed to widening participation. We know that pupils from lower income families are traditionally not well represented in grammar schools, and for many years we have been working to address this. At least 25% of places at the Foundation’s six grammar schools are made available to Pupil Premium pupils who achieve a minimum qualifying score in the entrance test. We are delighted to be leading the way nationally on this issue, with the highest proportion of Pupil Premium pupils in grammar schools being in Foundation schools.
The Foundation also partners with Atom Learning, whereby Pupil Premium pupils in years 4 and 5 can access a wide range of engaging familiarisation materials via a cutting-edge online portal. And through our partnerships with primary schools in Birmingham, we offer opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds to visit our grammar schools and work with our teachers on aspirational masterclasses.
“We are proud that our grammar schools are the most inclusive in the country when it comes to socioeconomic diversity. Our admissions policy, together with our strong partnerships with Birmingham primary schools, has enabled the Foundation to make great strides towards making selective education accessible to pupils from all backgrounds.