We have high aspirations and encourage students and staff to take advantage of the opportunities on offer.   

We aim high.

See below for some recent examples of ambitious work across the Foundation:

Enquiring Minds

Inspiring students to have high aspirations is the aim of the Enquiring Minds Programme, a collaboration between pupils and teachers from King Edward VI Balaam Wood Academy (BWA), King Edward’s School (KES) and King Edward VI High School for Girls (KEHS), plus external partners. Launched in 2023 to further develop a focus BWA had already developed through participation in the Brilliant Club, Enquiring Minds offers academic and pastoral enrichment. Maths workshops, preparation for and participation in a Philosothon (philosophy competition), a mental health and emotional wellbeing workshop and cricket, athletics and hockey coaching for girls formed the programme’s first year.

“I believe enrichment opportunities through partnerships are what really makes the difference between a student learning and a student being inspired.”

“The Philosothon inspired our pupils and we are looking at opening up a philosophy club to continue the practice. It was a joy to listen to the discussions and witness all the students involved mix and make new friendships.”